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Founded on 19 October 2015


Southern Africa Fight for Rhino is a proudly African initiative that seeks to stir up and mobilize true African warriors into a strong united force, who are determined to restore our African struggle for rhinos into the hands of indigenous Africans who have the plight of our African heritage at heart.  We need the participation of every individual to succeed in our goal!


For a long time the fight for our rhinos has been dominated by some big foreign organisations who are making millions of dollars, from donor funds yet are doing very little to support our African initiatives to stop the mass slaughter of our rhino, and secure the future lives of our rhinos once and for all.


International attempts to save this iconic creature, have failed dismally, and the result is that our rhino are on the edge of extinction. 


The South African government has continued to listen to only one side of the story, with regard to our rhino, and their sustainability to carry on living in the wild.
They refuse to implement laws to enable our rangers to become more effective, with the result being, that well trained rangers, who risk their lives as the first line of defence against poachers, who are armed with high calibre weapons, continue to put their lives on the ground, without proper equipment, and some have even paid the ultimate price. Poachers know that. Poachers also know that South Africa won't punish them harshly. A 'slap on the wrist' is all that happens in most cases.
They are allowing the mass export of OUR RHINO to countries who not only hunt and slaughter our wildlife, they are also quite happy it seems to agree to farming our rhino as a domestic animal. To harvest the horn to satisfy a market, which is run by syndicates, who are making billions of US$ on the backs of OUR RHINO, yet nothing has 'saved' them, and in fact they continued to be slaughtered.

Our wildlife has always been a part of our different cultures. Our wildlife is part of who we are as Africans. When oh WHEN did we lose the heartbeat of Africa?

A rhino is a rhino. It has the right to be a rhino. It has the right not to be maimed in anyway, whatsoever. These sentient beings are walking around on private farms with no horn, because these so called wildlife farmers, who think they are experts, continue to stockpile in anticipation that CITES and our government will allow trade in horn!! They will become millionaires overnight! How much of that money comes back to into our economy? 
This site is about making our government sit up and take notice of us, who are the rightful owners of our wildlife, and to make CITES realize that we do actually have a say in all of this . Our rhino do not belong in Zoos. Our rhino do not belong to Chinese and Vietnamese who believe that Keratin is a cure for everything!

We have many South Africans living overseas, we have many Zimbabweans living overseas, we have other sectors of our African population living overseas. We welcome those who would like to join us in this fight to please come!

We also welcome any international people, strong and well known activists to please be a part of our initiative. Your knowledge will be so needed. 

All of our people, who cannot speak English, or Afrikaans, or even Xhosa, or Pedi, or even Zulu, please feel free to comment in the language you are comfortable with. Someone will be able to engage you, to answer any questions you might have. 

Especially we welcome the youthful ACADEMICS! Our future leaders, who will want to make sure that even after we are dead and gone, we can die peacefully, knowing that our wildlife will be safe. IT IS YOUR HERITAGE SOUTHERN AFRICA! 

Our aims are simple.


To unite all Southern Africans, into one voice, coming from all of our diverse cultures, to petition CITES at COP 17, to upgrade our rhino to Appendix 1 making it Critically Endangered.


To deliver the Petition to the head of CITES, in Sandton, at the Sandton Convention Centre, September 2016, with the hope that we as the true owners of our wildlife, are able to be involved in the decision making with regards to our wildlife. Finding sustainable means to ensure the survival of the species.


The fight for our wildlife begins!




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